Monday, August 1, 2016

Aaaaannnnd....We're Back!

Welcome! Last time on Self-made Motherhood Blog....our heroine was (surprise) not pregnant and contemplating switching donors (among other things). Still contemplating some things, but very much decided on others.  Let's dig in!

Donor:  As much as I like my last donor, he has no reported pregnancies, has some random genetic anomaly on his y chromosome (karyotype variant something or other) that apparently affects 2-3% of the male population but can also kinda suck if you're ttc, and also has a dwindling supply.  Moving on!  I narrowed it down to two back-up donors.  One is Black (child of Caribbean immigrants).  The other is Asian.  If you've been following for a while, you know that I've always been interested in having a donor of color, specifically Black or bi/mulit-racial with a Black parent.  Mostly because I'm doing this on my own and I don't want every rando on the street who stops to tell me how cute my child is to constantly ask "what" he/she is or remark on how he/she must have gotten (insert random non-stereotypical African feature) from her "father".  I just don't want my child constantly being reminded of a person that, apart from donating the sperm that made him/her possible) will not be a person he/she can refer back to for anything.  I'm Black.  I want my child to be Black and for randos on the street not to ask overly personal questions and/or make inappropriate/rude remarks (like people who straight-up asked one of my cousins if she was her son's babysitter, then if he was adopted - because healthy white, blue-eyed newborns are all the rage in Black family adoption circles...?).  So that's my reasoning behind that.  Making the addition of the Asian donor give me pause.  I really want brown babies. Just about anyone in my family who's had children with a white person has had very fair skinned children, so now I worry that choosing a Asian donor (though his baby photo is on the browner side of Asian) will make my child some sort of fetishized topic of conversation for randos on the street.  *sigh*

Then there's the other back-up donor.  This is gonna sound a little weird....I like a lot of things about him, but his audio interview comes off as very gay, but very religious and very closeted. If not for this, he might have had the top  back-up spot, but I'm not sure he's the person I want to potentially have meeting my free-spirited future child in 18 years.

At any rate, both back-up donors have reported pregnancies.  So, I'm going forward (for the time being) with the Asian donor.

Other contemplations:  I did decide to go ahead with the DHEA.  I started in June at a dose of 25 mg/day.  This continued through my June and July cycles.  I just started my new cycle and upped it to 50 mg/day, taken in two doses of 25 mg.  I had no side effects from the 25 mg dosage, and so far not feeling anything off with the 50 mg.  I'm also taking Ubiquinol instead of CoQ10.  Was taking 200-300mg/day until the start of this cycle, when I upped that to 400mg, split in two doses.  I also ordered a box of Pregnitude and started that just a couple of days before my current cycle began.

I ovulated a day early (cd 12) in my last cycle, but I'd expected to because of the proximity to the full moon.  But then, my LP turned out to be uncharacteristically short (only 9 days instead of 11 or even 10).  So, now I'm trying to figure out the timing to have the spermcicle shipped.  I could ovulate as early as cd 10 (which turns out to be a Monday), so I'm not sure if I should try to schedule it for Monday delivery or be extra safe and schedule delivery for the preceding Friday.  I e-mailed the Bank to see what they think and what my shipping options are.  Have to remember to request the plain brown box and not the Tardis.

That's about it for now.  Stay tuned...

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