Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Eagle Has Landed...

Minor Update:  My spermcicles have arrived from Midwest.  The shipper was a cardboard box (which I prefer) with the words "BIOLOGICAL SHIPPER" in large block print on four sides (I was less enthused with that part). didn't say Midwest Sperm Bank or MSB on it anywhere (and I liked that a LOT. Score one over MCB already.).  I had a boatload of paperwork in with the nitro tank.  It seems they actually take all orders over the phone and write everything out by hand.  I'd be mad about them being a bit behind the times on that one, but I'm too busy being grateful that they have more than reasonable prices and very high sperm counts/motility with all their donors. I'm just waiting to ovulate.  I'm low-key hoping it might happen Monday morning so that I can insem at my leisure late Sunday night.

Stay tuned...

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