Sunday, October 29, 2017

Yes? No? Maybe So?

Last time on Self-made Motherhood Blog.....saw RE2 for the CD11 ultrasound to check on pre-O follies and got the go-ahead to trigger.  I'd brought it with me (because intramuscular needles are scary and I'm a wimp), so the nurse at the office administered the shot for me, and I was all set to do the IUI at home the following morning (which happened to be a Saturday, so no work worries or anything else scheduled).  I woke up at 6am on Saturday and started the thawing process around 6:30am or so (took me a while to locate my deep freeze handling gloves before I could open the spermcicle canister).  Set the timer on that (40 minutes at room temperature).  My procedural area was mostly set up already from the night before, so I just double checked that I had everything I'd need and got the mirror, light, and support pillows in place.  Then I ate a little something so that I wouldn't get hungry while I was reclining afterwards.  Timer went off and I held the sample in my hand for a minute to bring it to body temperature (as per the thawing instructions). I got the syringe and catheter ready, tested a drop on the microscope (his swimmers really are amazing), and assumed the position.  Insem was complete a little before 8am.  As I'd been up so early, I actually dozed for a bit on the sofa (where I do the insem - it's firmer than my bed, so makes for a better surface to keep things in place).  When I looked at the microscope again after a couple hours, there was still a lot of action happening.  So we know that my bachelor of choice has some very vigorous and hardy swimmers.  Since I'd anticipated ovulating on the left, I spent some time on my left side, then a little bit on my right, just in case.  And that was it!

About a week later at 7dpo, I tested with an Osom just to see if the trigger was still in my system.  Positive test said yes to that.  I also did another OPK (dip strip and digital) just to see if they would pick up on the HCG in my system (as some OPK's can confuse it for LH as they're molecularly similar) and both showed up negative with very faint lines, which is my standard for that time of my cycle after ovulation.  I'd read that some women tested out their triggers as early as 10dpo, so I started EPT'ing every couple of days after that to see the HCG trigger fade down & that way, I figured, I'd know for sure I was pregnant if it started to get darker again.  HA!  What's the saying about how we make plans and God laughs?  That.  I experienced that.  I tested with Osom (the most sensitive EPT I've found, recommended by a friend in the struggle) on 9dpo at 7am and it was still a faint line. 10dpo at 4:30am: barely visible line.  I figured the trigger must me almost out of my system because I could just barely make out there was a test line. 11dpo at 7am (more than 24hrs after the last one) and the line was faint, but darker than the day before!  Maybe we're on to something.  Also did a dip strip OPK that wasn't positive, but darker than usual for the part of my cycle.  12dpo at 3:15am (I often fall asleep watching tv, reading, or doing something on my laptop and wake up around this time, just in time to pack up my laptop, set out the next day's vitamins, and go to the bathroom before getting a couple more hours of sleep in before work).  Anyway, 12dpo at 3:15am there was barely a line there. OPK dip strip was showing up near positive though.  Weird, but whatever.  I went to bed.  Tested again upon "really" waking up for 12dpo a few hours later at 7am.  Faint line darker than the 3:15am try! WHAT???  And a dark positive OPK dip strip.  Intrigued.  I went through the day tentatively.  My LP is never more than 11 days unless I'm on Clomid, so this was uncharted territory and I could've gotten my period at any moment.  But I didn't.  Not all day. But I was steeling myself against the inevitable disappointment of my period coming along to ruin everything.  I tested again when I got home from work: 12dpo at 7:40pm: the line was much lighter than 12hrs earlier.  My heart sank. Maybe I had a fertilized egg that tried, but just didn't implant. Happens all the time.  Right?  13dpo at 3:30am (fell asleep watching tv and woke up & tested):  Even fainter line than before.  Ugggghhhhh!  Went to bed and tested again at 6:50am:  A very recognizable faint line! Darker than the last TWO tests.  Maybe something had latched on after all? Also a super dark positive OPK dip strip AND a technically negative digital (no smiley face), BUT the test line on that stick was nearing dark, too (as opposed to when you're really just not producing anything of note and there's no test line at all).  It was Friday.  Exactly two weeks from my follie ultrasound and trigger.  I had a busy day planned at work and didn't have time to call RE2's office until after 3pm, but thanked God for no spotting or bleeding every time I used the toilet the whole day.  I sneaked off to the bathroom and left a message for the RE2 nurses telling them I had a positive pregnancy test (it felt so odd to say that out loud - most especially because both my bosses were working from home that day and I was extra self-conscious about being accidentally overheard).  Then I went to the bathroom (which I hadn't done since about 10:30am - told you it was a super busy day).  Blood.  Not just a pink tinge when I wiped.  Blood drops in the toilet when I peed and clots (CLOTS) on the paper when I wiped.  I was gutted.

The nurse service rang me back.  I told them about the positive tests for the past couple days and that I was currently bleeding.  She asked if it was spotting or real bleeding.  I said it seemed like a heavy bleed, like the start of a period, but that I'd gotten a positive test in the morning, so what now?  She wanted me to come in for bloodwork (HCG beta) on Monday (because you may be pregnant and miscarrying, but we're not coming in to deal with you on a weekend, dearie).  Then I'd need to come in and do the repeat beta on Wednesday to see if the numbers were going up or not.  I asked if there was anything else done at this type of appointment or if it was just the blood draw.  Just the blood draw.  I suggested she get the Rx for the beta sent to Labcorp, so I wouldn't have to miss work to do it (there's one close-by where I work).  Plus, the one close by my job is open on Saturday, so I could do a walk-in and get the beta done even sooner.  She agreed to that and sent the request over to Labcorp.  I'd have to go back Monday to do the repeat beta.  I was worried about the wait being too long for me to get it done without an appointment on Monday (they only had late afternoon appointments left for Monday and I can't take a chatty 3yr old and a squirmy 15mos old from work with me for this. I mean, the baby's pre-verbal.  The 3yr old would blow my cover as soon as we got home though. Plus, I never mess with naptime. No way).  BUT when I'd done my walk-in on Saturday, I got there 30 minutes after they'd opened and the waiting room was already near full; but they had me in and out in about 30 minutes regardless (even had the same phlebotomist who'd done my pre-cycle labs).  So I figure if I get there at 6:45am on Monday (before they open at 7am) and can be the first walk-in in line, I should have no problem getting to work on time. Just in case it doesn't happen that way though, I booked an 11am appointment for Tuesday (after I drop the big girl off to school).  I figure a day late is better than nothing and math is math.  If the numbers are going up or down, it'll still show up in the bloodwork a day later than planned for. Forgot to mention, tested 4:30am & 3:30pm on Saturday (14dpo) and both super faint lines, lighter than 13dpo morning.  OPK's were super dark test lines on both, but digital is calling it a negative (possible the digi knows the difference between LH and HCG, even when it's lines are dark).  Tested again at 9:35am (my weekend version of 7am) and have a very faint, barely there line.  OPK's still coming out super dark.

Oh, other fun facts (in case this isn't confusing enough for you yet):  My BBT temps started dropping at 12dpo and tanked HARD (below the coverline) on 14dpo.  But SURPRISE! BBT is back WAY up this morning (15dpo).  I'm still taking the progesterone until I get a definitive answer from RE2 about my bloodwork.  That didn't stop my temps from plummeting over the last few days, so I can't be sure it's in any way responsible for the temp spike this morning.

Remember that thing I was saying about us making plans and God laughing?  Yeah, well I just got a text from work and they want me to come in about 15 minutes early I'm still gonna try to be there before Labcorp opens and do a walk-in to get the repeat beta, but if they can't get to me by 7:15am, I'll have to leave and try to walk-in again Tuesday morning (and if that doesn't work, bring the baby & come at the appointment time I have saved for Tuesday which is at the exact same time as the Halloween party at the library that the baby and I are supposed to be at).  #SuperFunTimes  I also went ahead and scheduled appointments for Wednesday and Thursday in case they need to repeat it again to see what's going on.

So that's where I'm at for the moment.  Stay tuned....

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