Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh Hey! I Didn't See You There...

...yeah, so i totally ripped off that title from Jenny Owen Youngs' blog which has nothing to do with what this blog has to do with. So, for those of you out there who have somehow stumbled upon this blog, WELCOME! It seems a little less pointless knowing that I'm not sitting here typing out my life into a visitor-less vacuum. So, thanks for stopping in. For the curious/uninitiated, I'll give you the low-down on just exactly what this blog is all about.

My name is *s, and I'm trying to get myself knocked up. I am (or hopefully soon will be) what is known as a single mother by choice. That's the fancy-schmancy, politically correct term for a woman who chooses to be a mother and chooses to do it (or at least start out at it) as a single gal. Now, there are lots of reasons why lots of women (and I'm assuming men as well - single parents by choice) choose to go it alone when it comes time for parenthood. Some come to single parenthood via divorce, failed relationships, one-night stands, or other such culturally emotional phenomena that has them saying to themselves, "Okay, I'm knocked up. I'm fine with that. But I am SOOOOOOOO not spending the rest of my life tethered to that guy! What the hell was I thinking?!?!" Some single parents are gay and single, so even if they were in a relationship, it wouldn't be one that could yield children the old fashioned way. Still others, like me, are just single. Period. Sexual orientation aside, as far as relationships go, I have been described as "Breaker of hearts, Destroyer of worlds". I've never been so in love with someone that I couldn't possibly imagine my life without that person. As a matter of fact, once I start wondering if I love someone enough that I couldn't possibly imagine my life without that person, it turns so quickly from wondering to visualizing to me giving the It's-Not-You-It's-Me speech, it's all really quite dizzying. I have very little patience for grown-ass people who can't seem to get their shit together, or at least admit that they don't have their shit together and plan to work on that. On the other hand, I have near infinite patience for babies, toddlers, and children who very frequently are a hot stinking mess (both literally and figuratively). Babies are something I couldn't possibly imagine my life without.

And yet, here I am. 35 years old. Gainfully employed. Not completely with my shit completely together, but completely working on that every single day. And no babies. I needs me some babies. Being the forward thinking, pragmatic sort of girl that I am, I made up my mind to start researching how I could possibly have a baby without having a relationship on the evening of my 34th birthday. And God bless the internet! Apparently, people do this all the time! There are whole reproductive centers (sperm banks) that exist to cater to this very demographic. I'm that demographic! That was back in April 2010. By summer of 2010, I'd already zeroed in on which sperm bank I wanted to work with, and which donor from their catalogue I wanted to make my babies with. I started a new savings fund called the PFC Fund (Potential Future Child(ren)), also often referred to as the Baby Fund, specifically for the purpose of funding the making of my PFC's. People do it all the time, but not super broke people...because donor sperm is not cheap.

So again, WELCOME! Feel free to leave a comment or question or whatever. Thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned...

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